Video tutorials LabsMobile

These are the video tutorials that will teach you all the features and functionalities of the LabsMobile platform. In addition, you will also find technical information about the SMS channel and how to send SMS messages in the best way to optimize your sendings and campaigns.

Video tutorials of the category Campaigns

Casualties and blacklist

How to integrate unsubscribe links in SMS sendings and campaigns, improving effectiveness and recipient management.
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Deferred and scheduled

Master effective communication with LabsMobile WebSMS: Schedule and send strategic messages to drive your company's success.
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Landings web II

Video tutorial to create and customize advanced landing pages in LabsMobile, including CSS design, metrics analysis and SMS campaign optimization.
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Personalized SMS messages

Videotutorial to send personalized SMS efficiently, including the collection and use of specific data to build user loyalty.
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Landings web

Learn how to create, customize and link effective landing pages for marketing campaigns, with visual and strategic design.
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Sending SMS to groups

Video tutorial on how to use group SMS sending in LabsMobile, including initial setup, group management and time saving.
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Sending from file

Videotutorial on sending SMS by file, including preparation, file uploading, programming and final verification.
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Click analysis

This tutorial teaches how to enable SMS click monitoring, optimize rates, assert brand identity and use link shorteners.
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Bulk SMS campaigns or sendings

LabsMobile's video tutorial shows step-by-step how to obtain, analyze metrics and results of bulk SMS campaigns, and optimize communications.
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