Use cases and SMS applications for Real Estate

Simplify real estate communication with LabsMobile. We facilitate the scheduling of visits, property status updates and payment reminders, improving operational efficiency and customer experience in the buying or renting process.

This sector includes real estate agencies, online portals, property managers,...

The SMS channel for the industry Real Estate

The use of SMS for real estate portals and agencies allows customers to be informed at all times. In particular, it is possible to send the status of the properties that meet the requirements or when new properties appear. It is also possible to send a web landing page via a link showing the characteristics of the property.

Sending SMS for real estate is the key tool to increase sales efficiency as it allows to communicate securely with each client with the offer required by the recipient. The key in this case is to have a system to inform the interests of the buyer and the characteristics of the database of available properties.

The characteristics of SMS (immediate, massive, economic, global) make it an ideal channel to communicate with buyers and sellers.

Main sector uses Real Estate

  • Notification of new property registration
  • Confirmation of registration or deregistration in the database
  • Price change alerts for selected properties
  • Confirmation and reminder of visits
  • Campaign to attract new clients or real estate properties
  • Notification of charges or rate changes
  • Coordination of the commercial team
  • Information on administrative procedures

Examples of SMS messages for the industry Real Estate

🏠 Hello Juan, a new apartment for sale has been published in the sector of your search. All info:
Description: Communication of a new offer that meets the buyer's criteria. The objective is to present the availability of a property that is sure to be of interest to the addressee.
⚡️ New OFFER! advertise your apartment with us and we will manage the energy certificate of your apartment for FREE!😱 Sign up at
Description: Communication of a promotion for new customers. The objective is to attract customers in exchange for an attractive benefit or promotion.
📆 Hello Irene, we remind you that you have an appointment tomorrow at 11h at 📍 C/Valencia 322. You have the photos and information of the property in
Description: Communication as a reminder of an arranged visit. The objective is to avoid no-shows and to be able to reuse possible cancellations.

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Our managers and technical team are always available to answer all your questions about our SMS solutions and to advise you on the implementation of any action or campaign.

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