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SMS for clinics, hospitals and medical centers

We are in a special moment, when communications between doctors, clinics, hospitals, and patients should be fluid and organized. That is why SMS usage is growing everyday, as with this method they can make sure that patients are always up to date. 

With this method, it has been proven that control and organization of the medicine sector was much more efficient than when SMS was not used for clinics, hospitals, and medical centers.

5 minutes of reading
Publication: 07.28.2021
Última modificación: 06.14.2022

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Why is it convenient to use SMS in clinics, hospitals, and medical centers?

Using SMS for clinicsis convenient because of the efficiency it has in regards to notifications, be it internal with work partners and with patients. Today, a big portion of the population has a mobile phone at hand at all times. This has proven that an SMS with information has more responses than an email and a phone call. 

More and more medical centers choose this communication strategy because, in addition to informing, it allows them to sell special services and provide a good user experience, having less failures in communication. 

SMS for clinics, hospitals, and medical centers. How to use them?

A well-planned strategy for SMS marketing will allow you to keep your patients happy, bring new people who want to join the hospital, and will also help in bringing order in your institution. 

These are only some examples of how to use SMS in medical sectors:

  • Confirmation, cancellation, and appointment reminders. These are the most effective ones, as they allow you to keep an organized agenda. For example, “your appointment with doctor Juan Perez for 27/07 at 14 hs in medical center Milende was confirmed”. If you need confirmation from the patient, you can add a call to action with a link or ask them to answer YES/No.  
  • Notification of medical trial or analysis pick up. Patients will see it as a perk to be notified so they don’t have to call and ask. You can even include a link that takes them to download the studies.
  • Communication between patients and doctors. This can be useful for patients who are following a special treatment and have doubts. For example, “do you have questions about your treatment? Answer this message Yes/No and a specialist will answer”. 

  • Promotions or special offers. Invitations to events or company activities. This type of SMS is used by medical centers that focus on beauty treatments, pero some ophthalmologists and other specialists also use them. As an example, “only in July, 10% discount on all your medical appointments for breat implants. Book your place”

  • For internal communication between work partners, SMS can be used to confirm work appointments, patients that have one that day, important notices, and more.

SMS for clinics with LabsMobile

So, if you feel this communication strategy with SMS adjusts to your institution, we have the ideal platform for you: LabsMobile. Enter right now and start giving your patients the best possible service using SMS marketing strategies.

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