Send attachments in SMS. We explain how with LabsMobile
SMS remains an effective formula for digital marketing. In fact it is one of the best, since we always carry the phone with us and frequently check the incoming messages. What you may not be sure about is how attached files are sent in these types of messages to expand information.
Última modificación: 06.21.2022
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SMS attachments: overcoming text message barriers
One of the main drawbacks when we do marketing via SMS is that we are limited by the number of characters we can use. However, we have a way to solve this problem.
It involves using attachments in SMS. It is as simple as including a link in the message we send to our potential client. By clicking on it, the recipient of the communication can access more information.
You can use them to send a catalog in PDF format, but you can also opt for more dynamic files and attach photos or videos. See everything you can do on our website.
Benefits of sending attachments in SMS
For the client it has the additional advantage that it makes it possible to see the information in greater detail. For example: if you are doing a swimsuit promotion, you can use SMS to inform your clients about the discount, and clickin on the attached file they can see the garments on offer.
But this system also has advantages for companies; the most important one is that it increases the opening rate.
As experts in this area we know that consumers are more willing to click on a link that arrives directly to their mobile phone through an SMS message than visiting a newsletter and clicking on any of the links in it.
How does this system work?
Adding files in SMS campaigns is really simple. All you have to do is access your user account on LabsMobile and go to the WebSMS section. There you will find an area dedicated to SMS files.
All you have to do is create your message and then add the file. It's as simple as adding a file to an email, thus it won't take more than one or two minutes.
Innovate in your SMS campaigns
There is always room to set yourself apart and do better in the field of digital marketing. If you surprise your potential customers with a text message that includes a file you will be arousing their curiosity and positioning yourself above your competitors if it they have not yet started using this system.
How could you verify, the use of massive SMS is again a trend in the field of advertising. Cheer up and send attachments in your messages, the results will surprise you.

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Our managers and technical team are always available to answer all your questions about our SMS solutions and to advise you on the implementation of any action or campaign.
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