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How to successfully write messages for an SMS marketing campaign?

Three important elements encourage a response from message recipients in an SMS marketing campaign: capturing attention, describing an offer clearly and concisely, and ending with a call-to-action.

We are all used to writing instantly to each other using several different messaging apps. A new way of writing has even been created, complete with abbreviations, emoticons and other stylistic flairs, especially amongst young people. But the professional use of tools like these require certain codes that ensure messages are understood at first glance, and in SMS marketing, the content of a text message should be instantly recognisable. Below are the key points.

8 minutes of reading
Publication: 05.03.2017
Última modificación: 10.03.2022

There are two things to consider when planning the content for an SMS marketing campaign. On the one hand, it is crucial to know exactly what you want to communicate to your campaign’s target audience. On the other hand, you have to know what key factors a message must contain for the SMS marketing campaign to be a success.

What do I want to communicate with my target audience?

Simply put, there are three types of content that make a good message for the launch of an SMS marketing campaign.

  1. An irresistible offer which also has a fixed deadline. The offer could be fantastic, but you won’t get the results you want if you don’t include an expiry date or a deadline. Urgency rules our lives, in everything we do. If there is no urgency, most recipients will immediately forget about the offer.
  2. Providing exclusive information to clients. Free entrance to an exclusive event as a VIP customer. Reducing the price for premium customers. Subscribers should instantly understand through the SMS text that they are valued, so they feel as if they are a member of a private club.
  3. Communicate important, seasonal news. A shop is closing for vacation. A restaurant is undergoing renovation. A business is liquidating its stock. Whatever the reason, regular customers need to be well-informed to ensure they become loyal customers.

How to write a successful SMS message?

Three important elements encourage a response from message recipients in an SMS marketing campaign: capturing attention, describing an offer clearly and concisely, and ending with a call-to-action. Simplicity is the golden rule of marketing, and 160 characters are sufficient to write a simple message. Only include one offer per message, and make it clear and easy to understand. Here are six pointers to make sure your SMS messages are successful:

  1. Clearly identify yourself from the beginning. Start the SMS message explaining who is the sender. You can also change the sender name.

  1.     Don’t use abbreviations. As we mentioned above, SMS messaging normally uses a young linguistic register. Some of your target market might not care, but for others, using text speak may annoy or confuse them. It could also foster an unprofessional image of the brand.

  1.     Capture the reader’s attention from the first word, encouraging them to read on. And if the word is in capitals (OFFER, EXCLUSIVE PROMOTION…), all the better.

  1.     Finish with a powerful call-to-action. Tell the recipient what they have to do in an imperative, simple and direct way.

  1.     Promote exclusivity. Subscribers have given you their consent for you to get in touch with them, and you have to make them feel special, and as if the offer or promotion is only available to them.

  1. Create a sense of urgency. The instantaneous nature of SMS messages means that, by including a date or time when the offer or promotion ends, the recipient is pushed to act quickly.

How to successfully write messages for an SMS marketing campaign?

The ‘what’ and the ‘why’ are two very important aspects of writing a successful SMS messaging campaign. But your target audience, previous campaigns, the type of offer or the price also influence the wording of the text. In order to find the perfect formula therefore, you have to test, evaluate results and correct them if necessary – but only change one aspect of the message at a time. Finding your unique style can take some time, but you will see results that much faster.  

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