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Export SMS and other stats using LabsMobile platform

One of the main advantages that marketing campaigns via SMShave is that they are quantifiable. This means you can obtain data out of them and evaluate the results. In this way, it’s possible to determine how favorable this campaign was and how well the strategy worked. 

For this, the LabsMobile platform has a section called “history” that works like a control panel that stores all the information about the SMS campaign.

6 minutes of reading
Publication: 07.22.2020
Última modificación: 09.30.2022

The data that can be obtained

All the data of the campaign you can obtain receive the name of analytics. These are useful to observe the current state and the reach of the plan of action. 

One of the most important indicators stored is the state of the messages that have been sent, and also those that failed. On the one hand, you will see the sent messages, that can have these states:

  • Processed
  • Sent
  • Delivered

On the other hand, the messages that cannot be delivered specify the reasons:

  • Expired: this message is the one that cannot be delivered within a certain period, even if it tried several times. The most common timeframe is 72 hours. The main reason has to do with the receiver not being online during this time. 
  • Rejected: the messages were annulled be it by the destination country operator or by the clients that blocked or annulled the message.
  • Non-delivered: these messages had some kind of error during the sending process. 
  • Duplicate: it’s possible for some numbers to be duplicated in your database. LabsMobile, however, has an automatic filter to dismiss duplicate sendings without cost.

Another very important stats is the number of clicks on messages. One of the most common functions in campaigns is to add external links to Landing Pages. In this same section of “history”, you can find a counter with the number of clicks that clients did. Also, some additional information is stored, like:

  • IP address
  • User-Agent: identification of the device and the browser used.
  • Day and time of the click
  • The localization, that can be traced using IP or geolocation of the Landing Page. 

Lastly, all the information can be exported and downloaded at any time in a CSV format file.

Data Analysis

Raw data is really useful if it’s possible to obtain conclusions after analyzing them. With this information, you can make a decision to take some measures for future campaigns.

For example, some possible conclusions include:

  1. Counting clicks, which allows you to analyze the cost of each one. If you send 10 messages for $1 and only two clicks count, the cost will be $0.5 per click. Instead, if 10 people enter, it will be $0.1. Then, you can increase or diminish the number of messages or offer a promotion per package. 
  2. Obtain the clients’ geolocation and know what is the most important sector where the impact of the campaign was larger. 
  3. Get to know the schedule where people make the most clicks and so establish which are the best periods to send messages. 
  4. The percentage of annulled and blocked messages in relation to the total number of messages sent. 
  5. Update the phone number database by eliminating duplicate messages and the ones who decided to step down.

Export SMS and other statistics from the LabsMobile platform

Then, you can value the results of your SMS sendings and see the stats of the platform that will help you improve your conversions and focus your actions. 

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