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5 ways to send SMS messages with LabsMobile

9 minutes of reading
Publication: 03.14.2023
Categories: LabsMobile news


Companies are increasingly using SMS to communicate with their customers. Whether it is through a notification, a promotional code, a tracking of the status of a shipment, a double confirmation code in authentication processes, etc. The uses are multiple and so are the options to send SMS messages.

With SMS you ensure that the message arrives quickly, directly to your customer's phone and that they read it in a matter of seconds, since this channel has an opening rate of 98%. And also at an economical price.

Sending SMS from the LabsMobile platform is very simple and intuitive. There are several types of sending. And today we explain 5 so you can incorporate them into your marketing and sales strategy.


The basic or manual sending consists of entering numbers one by one or copying them from any application or file. This way you can send messages individually by entering only one number or mass messages to multiple recipients by adding or copying a list of mobile numbers.

The sending form helps you to choose the other fields such as sender, text, time and day of sending, etc.

This method is suitable for one-off sendings to sporadic recipients.


Sending from file consists of importing a CSV or Excel file with a set of messages, one per line. Each line contains all the data for sending: cell phone number, text, sender and date/time of sending.

In the same form or sending screen you can find a template with examples and instructions to make it even easier to create the Excel file for sending via file.

This sending method is specially designed for those occasions or uses in which multiple SMS messages or massive campaigns with a different text to each recipient must be sent. Thus, the message text can be prepared based on variables with a basic text or, on the contrary, containing a totally different message between them.


When starting a mass campaign, it is necessary to determine the recipients. To facilitate the process, it is advisable to create groups of contacts by importing lists or databases.

This is a tool that allows you to create different telephone groups, as if they were small, individual databases. There you can create the groups of your choice, with a specific name and free customization. Each of the contacts in the group has their telephone number and other additional data, such as name, age or place where they live.

In this way, at the time of sending, you must select the groups to which you want to send the messages, adding the necessary variables in the message text to personalize the message. For example: "Hello %NAME%, we remind you that you have a %FIELD2% discount with your %FIELD1% code, take advantage of it!

Therefore, this sending method is specially designed and recommended for mass mailings with the same message or that can be personalized with variables previously loaded in groups of contacts.

It is also especially indicated when you have databases or fixed lists that can be updated and improved based on the mailings or campaigns.


In any sending form it is possible to select the day and time of sending and thus schedule individual or mass campaigns.

In the scheduled section of WebSMS, LabsMobile's SMS sending platform, you can see all the data of the scheduled sendings pending to be executed and those already sent.

On the other hand, deferred sending is a tool that allows you to divide bulk SMS messages into different segments or subgroups, with the same number of messages but spaced by time intervals. The user is free to choose the number of deferred messages, as well as the interval time, measured in minutes.

This option of deferred campaigns is very useful to avoid saturating user service resources (such as call centers, customer service numbers, Whatsapp lines) or online resources (web pages, forms, etc.). And also so that mass mailings are not detected as SPAM by operators or mobile devices themselves.


And last but not least, you can send messages through our SMS API integrating any system or software and send them automatically. This way you decide how to send messages, individually or in bulk directly from your application.

This type of integration is especially recommended in the following situations:

  • Messages should be sent automatically based on a specific event or situation. Examples: appointment reminders, security alerts, OTP codes, etc.
  • Applications where listings or mobile databases reside where data is updated frequently. So users generate the campaigns in this software and send the request to LabsMobile via API. Examples: management software or marketing or loyalty applications.

Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about the possibility of integrating through our SMS API and about the modules and applications that are already compatible with our platform.

If you want to get more out of your SMS campaigns and send effective campaigns, don't miss the LabsMobile tutorials!

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