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4 uses of SMS during Covid19

SMS usage has changed in the last few decades. They went from having an interpersonal use to a commercial one, for companies. Now, with the Covid19 crisis, this tool has appeared again as a tool for communication in many fields. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of its uses and advantages: 

7 minutes of reading
Publication: 05.04.2020
Última modificación: 06.20.2022
Categories: SMS services

Advantages of SMS

If its usage has protagonism again is because of the many advantages it has:

  • Brevity: the message you want to transmit has to be short and sweet, with concrete information. 
  • Privacy: This is one of its main advantages, as they are not public: they are only received by the receivers.
  • Availability. SMS can be used with any type of service, except in case of a lack of signal. The mobile network may fail, but text messages use their own system. 
  • Universality. You can send SMS to any type of mobile terminal, no matter how old it is.  
  • Integrity. The message you send will be received in a complete manner, which is different from voice signals that can suffer from interference because of bad conditions in the signal. 
  • Multimedia. You can have the possibility of sending SMS with links to audio, pictures, and video.

4 uses of SMS during Covid19 

The usefulness of text messages in the crisis generated by coronavirus has been taken into account in numerous fields, as we explain below:

1 Health sector

Text messages can help the health system have a more efficient organization when taking care of patients:

  • Appointment reminder. You can send a message to the patient, reminding him of the appointment, thus reducing absenteeism
  • Critical message alert. With text messages, you can communicate with the population about the symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Symptom control. Communication using this channel is very useful to remind the patient with symptoms of coronavirus that they need to control their temperature.

2 Ecommerce

Confinement has produced that e-commerce grew a lot. Using text messages is key in this field:

  • Information. Clients have to know about the importance of keeping social distancing with the personnel.
  • Reminders of the delivery date (date and approximate time).
  • Rating the process or satisfaction surveys. When sending an SMS, you can ask your client to rate the purchase; the message will have to come with a link to the questionnaire. 
  • Sending offers. During this period,  sending promotions via SMS to increase sales will help companies. 

3 Companies

This crisis has also meant the transformation of labor relations. More concretely, because of the expansion of online work. As you cannot fulfill physical meetings with employees, SMS are the perfect tools for: 

  • Call for meetings, including day and time. 
  • Inform about sanitary measures to workers who are more exposed, like delivery people or health workers. 
  • Communications about schedule changes, personnel, or any type of incident.
  • Make legal communications, of ERTOS, change of schedule, or reductions. 

4 Marketing

Even if economic activity is paralyzed today, marketing is more important than ever. And SMS are ideal tools to help in this sector:

  • Let your clients know you are not available, but that you’ll be more than ready as soon as conditions are met.
  • Design promotions and discounts for the moment when your business can open and let your clients know. 
  • Ask your clients for opinions and improvement proposals through a link to your website or social network to optimize your company once it restarts.

All in all, SMS uses have been incremented with the COVID-19 crisis, turning once more into the protagonists of communication. 

LabsMobile, a platform for Communication with SMS

LabsMobile is the ideal platform for today’s use of SMS. It allows you to try the platform for free with trial messages so you can see how it works. Also, it has a  lot of functions, like URL shorteners, SMS landings editors, sending stats, and much more. You just have to sign up with an email account and get started. 

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