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10 examples of commercial and informative SMS that your customers want to receive

Today in our LabsMobile blog we want to explain some examples of commercial SMS that can help you to create and carry out your SMS Marketing campaigns. In addition to giving examples of informative SMS known as transactional SMS.

9 minutes of reading
Publication: 07.17.2019
Última modificación: 09.27.2022

Examples of commercial SMS that are useful for your company:

1 SMS reminder

SMS reminders can keep your clients always informed and thus manage notices to clients, patients or associates.  This way, you will be able to remind clients of their upcoming appointments.

Save time and money with this added value of sending SMS reminders. If a customer cancels or modifies the appointment thanks to this SMS service, you can quickly reassign it and you will not lose money or time.

Example: "The Ariel dental clinic reminds you of your appointment for tomorrow, 05/07/2019 at 9:45. For any enquire or change of appointment you may call 902 334 454 222. " 

2 Confirmation SMS

A confirmation SMS message is a message sent after an online purchase. Sending SMS as a tool for confirmation of delivery or purchase is very effective so that customers can track their purchases. From minute one of the purchase until the delivery of the order, SMS messages help process shipments and give confidence to customers.


 "Congratulations and welcome to the AUTO AUTOMOTIVE CLUB. We will shortly send you your welcome kit to the address provided in registration. Regards!"

3 Birthday SMS

Sending SMS to customers to congratulate their birthday is a very effective way to build loyalty as customers or users. 

Usually, the SMS is accompanied by some promotion or gift after the personalized greeting.

The goal of this type of SMS is to take care for and value the customer, thus gaining their loyalty with our brand. These small gestures keep the customer faithful to our service and product for longer.


"Congratulations, MONICA. The entire Ópticas MGT team hopes you enjoy your day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

4 SMS Promotional offer

SMS for promotional offers are one of the most popular SMS messages. SMS Marketing campaigns help reach a very large volume of people, as it is possible to send and receive SMS messages without the need to have Wifi or data.


"Magdalena, an exclusive offer for you! 20% OFF EXTRA in EVERYTHING. Add to that up to 50% for a  €89 purchase. CODE: MAMA Until 05/5 Visit"

5 Fidelity SMS

Loyalty SMS help brands learn more about customers. They work as a direct communication that captures the consumer's attention and also helps to have privileged information on the clients' needs.


 "Hello! Can you help us improve the MGG Flowers experience? Get a 50% discount on your next order. Thank you!"

10 examples of commercial and informative SMS that your customers want to receive.

6 Cross-Selling SMS

One of the ways you can enhance cross-selling is via SMS. It is about selling your clients or users services or products related to something they previously consumed.

The goal of this type of SMS is to offer something to the user, knowing their interest in advance.


"Hi, Pedro, you are on time to get your Ipad case at a 30% discount with code: 1110 we are waiting for you in ".

7 Management SMS

There are multiple cases for sending managements, information communication or certified SMS. These help to improve communication between several parties, as for example in SMS for schools and parents.


 "SAN AGUSTÍN SCHOOL. Hello. Today Edgar Sánchez did not attend the center"

8 Order SMS

As we informed in the Confirmation SMS section, an order SMS lets us know at all times where an order is or when it will reach the interested party. 


"The delivery for your order of Cosmetiks Kaira 1132PT is scheduled for 30/05/2019".

9 SMS Invitation

The use of SMS to send invitations is another great current use of this type of messages. In the events or congress field it is very common to send invitations through SMS messages, even using QR codes within these messages.


 "We invite you to our new MAMAS PRIMERIZAS event at the Meliá de Palma Hotel on June 3rd. We are looking forward to explaining to you all about birth and breastfeeding. With this QR code we will give you our GUIDE book ".

10 Summons SMS

Finally there is the example of summons SMS messages, another way of summoning people to an event but with some innovations allowed in the case of SMS: being able to receive and and answer the SMS with a YES or NO.


"LABOR CALL for congress hostess on 23/4 at 9:00 in the Madrid Fairgrounds. Confirm assistance with a YES or NO before 17/4 at 6:00 p.m. "

LabsMobile: your multi-option platform for sending SMS messages

The LabsMobile platform supports sending all these types of messages and many more, such as application verification messages, code remittances, certified messages, etc. All from a user-friendly and economical interface. Try it now for free when you register and check its effectiveness.

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Our managers and technical team are always available to answer all your questions about our SMS solutions and to advise you on the implementation of any action or campaign.

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