Published: Apr 03, 2020
Last update: Oct 21, 2022
Products and Services SMS services

What are SMS resellers? What tasks do you carry out as an SMS reseller?

what are sms resellers
What are SMS resellers? What tasks do you carry out as an SMS reseller?
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If you want to know more about SMS resellers, in this article you’ll find out what they are and what functions they fulfill. In this way, you can turn into one in a very simple way.

Keep in mind that, if you are an entrepreneur, you should always keep your clients satisfied. For that, you must know that becoming an SMS reseller can contribute to your clients feeling they’ll have a benefit from buying an SMS pannel.

Offer SMS sending pannels to catch more clients.

What are SMS resellers?

Being an SMS reseller is a job that helps you improve your management capacity and spreading of information as an entrepreneur. In summary, it’s about selling to small and medium companies a device that improves and capitalizes the effort of every text message. For that, it allows you to send the same information to more than one person. So, the data is not when sending too many messages that say the same.

Many times, people who are in charge of getting in touch with clients have to write the same thing over and over again. Every time they do, they might remember one thing and forget another one. SMS resellers sell the solution. In case there is any information to communicate and you forgot, you can just send another mass message.

SMS reseller

What tasks do you carry out as an SMS reseller?


The main functions of these devices have to do with order and organization. 

Companies of every size are employed, favoring that employees don’t feel overwhelmed, work is not overloaded and the things to do are not forgotten. Very easy to sell! Even though they have a lot of features, you can see some of them below:

    1. It allows you to send SMS in a safe, modern, simple and efficient way. Also, it’s very flexible, choosing the destiny contacts. Also, you can program the messages to be sent at a different time from when they are written.
    2. Manage the agenda to organize events and contacts.
    3. Send information to the main agenda. You can group information according to contacts, groups, and preferences as tags.
    4. It allows you to use every type of system based on templates that make your daily tasks easier.
    5. It allows you to send messages in an easy and simple way to find information that was archived. You can search using your mobile by date or text. 
    6. You can use automatic stats, generate graphs and see in a very visual and simple way all the processes and history saved in the system. 

LabsMobile offers the service of SMS resellers

In conclusion, if you are not convinced by the advantages of an SMS reseller that you have just read, think about the future. Generating stats, the history of archives or messages can be great in the long run. This will help you sell the product to third parties, saving time, employees and money.