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Veterinary clinics and SMS

Veterinary clinics are the type of business where the use of SMS works very well. Sending SMS to pet owners for a number of different reasons is a good way of establishing a communication exchange channel without being as invasive or potentially inconvenient as a phone call.

The professional use of SMS is a very efficient method of communicating with clients at a veterinary clinic. More and more businesses and companies are utilizing SMS messaging, and its use within the health industry is not far behind. As well as being an efficient way to communicate with clients, it is also a good tool for internal communication between staff members.

4 minutes of reading
Publication: 01.08.2018
Última modificación: 10.21.2022

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 SMS messaging for veterinarians

Veterinary clinics are the type of business where the use of SMS works very well. Sending SMS to pet owners for a number of different reasons is a good way of establishing a communication exchange channel without being as invasive or potentially inconvenient as a phone call.

Veterinary clinics and SMS

Why is it convenient to set up SMS Alerts for clients?

  • The principal use for sending messages is as an appointment reminder to those who have pets at the veterinary clinic. It’s a lot more difficult for the client to forget the appointment if they receive a message directly to their mobile phone several days before the appointment, as they can check the day and time without any problems.
  • SMS can also be used as a method to remind clients when to give their pets any medication they might need.
  • The client can also evaluate the service received by sending an SMS directly to the vet.
  • Regarding internal communication, utilizing SMS is also recommended to remind employees of their shifts, or to let them know of any incidents or events that could affect their working day.

Veterinary clinics and SMS

At LabsMobile, we offer a service that externalizes SMS messaging professionally, both in terms of alerts and reminders, and marketing services to promote new services at the clinic, discounts on pet food, pipettes or other products, or to let customers know about canine hairdressing, for example.

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Our managers and technical team are always available to answer all your questions about our SMS solutions and to advise you on the implementation of any action or campaign.

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