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Summary of the tendencies on the usage of mobile messaging 2021 in LabsMobile. How 2022 comes

In the past year, SMS have consolidated as one of the main tools inside digital marketing and general communications for companies. With more than 20 years in existence, text messages are far from disappearing. Instead, more and more sectors are using this resource today. 

Many studies highlight that the tendencies seen in 2021 will continue this new year and will keep on growing for at least 3 more years. Next, we will show you the main uses of SMS, their advantages, and what’s expected of them this 2022. 

6 minutes of reading
Publication: 01.10.2022
Última modificación: 01.10.2022

Why is the use of SMS increasing? Usage and advantages

In 2021, SMS increased in use and popularity. Not only in the expected sectors like e-commerce and sales but they are also becoming popular in fields like computing and telecommunications, retail, finance, health and many others who use this tool every day. 

What are the reasons behind this? SMS bring about many advantages that make it a great communication channel when compared to other methods, like emails. These advantages, included in our platform LabsMobile, include

  • A very high open rate of over 90%
  • Efficiency and speed when sending messages massively
  • Simple personalization,
  • Reach in many countries
  • Guaranteed safety
  • Low cost

What other advantages does SMS offer? 

To all of these positive points, you should add the versatility that SMS offer. They have varied usages and can be taken advantage of for different types of tasks. Some of the most relevant usages during 2021 included: 

  • Selling products and services through campaigns.
  • Sending notifications (upcoming invoices, ways of payment, confirmation of orders, payment processing, purchases carried out successfully, etc) and reminders (appointments, deliveries, etc).
  • Customer support in general.
  • Social communication campaigns from the company (new shops, new employees, an end-of-year summary, invitation to events).
  • Urgent communications.
  • Internal communications within companies Using OTP (One Time Passwords). This is a security measure that forces people to use a code when logging in.
  • Market studies and polls.

In the case of LabsMobile, we have added a new feature during 2021: verified messages through Google. This resource gives reliability and security to our service because the senders of the messages are verified by a third party (in this case, Google). Then, a higher open rate is guaranteed, as clients won’t be afraid to be scammed. 

Tendencies facing 2022

Studies made show that SMS will continue to grow this year, on an average of 30% and 40%. The tendencies and uses of 2021 will be kept, with SMS as a key tool in business communication. It is expected for this year to come back to normal, but this doesn’t mean online business is over. Quite the contrary, so it will be very important to keep on promoting traditional shops while the online ones will be essential, and SMS is a great way to manage them. 

Regarding LabsMobile, we’ll try to keep on improving our service and offer a greater number of options to our clients. One of the main objectives is to increase our presence in more countries to offer an even greater reach when using SMS. If you haven’t discovered our platform yet, you can create an account very easily and for free, or get in touch with us. We’ll be delighted to help you!

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