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SMS Crisis: Notices via SMS about COVID-19 in summer

The COVID-19 pandemic is still present in our society and affects a big part of the world. Even if vaccines are here and the situation is not as extreme as before, we still need to keep up with our efforts and communication. Especially during summer. This is why we want to explain how to use Notices via SMS during a crisis

So, it’s important to have a strong communication strategy that allows you to connect with people quickly and safely. Not only because of the vaccination plan but for other topics in general. In this sense, the usage of SMS is ideal.

6 minutes of reading
Publication: 08.30.2021
Última modificación: 06.14.2022

Why use SMS?

SMS are a very efficient tool when it comes to digital marketing and communication in general. This happens because they have a high open and reading rate and can be sent quickly in a massive way. The SMS are short but effective so readers can remember the message at all times. Many SMS even have an external link, redirected to a Landing Web,  that directs the reader to a website with more information.

Text messages are way better than other channels such as email or phone calls. Emails have a much lower open rate and they can sit in a person’s inbox for days before being read. They can even be classified as SPAM and get lost. Regarding phone calls, people prefer not to take them if they don’t know the person who’s calling.

SMS Crisis: Notices via SMS about COVID-19 during summer 

Regarding COVID especifically, you can use SMS in different ways. Some of them are:

1Informative: you send messages to inform people about a particular topic. For example, your appointment for the first or second dosis of the vaccine, the change of place or time of vaccination, the cancelation of an appointment for a close contact, etc.

2Appointment reminder: the notification of appointments for getting vaccinated is done in advance. However, when the time comes, people can forget. For this, it’s important to send a reminder so the person can confirm attendance. This strategy works, improving attendance of patients by 25%.

3Promotion of testing products: in summer, travelling is very common. To go out of the country, it’s necessary for people to take a PCR or antigen test. Businesses that sell this type of products, like pharmacies or health centers, can do a promotion campaign and sell using SMS.

4Confirmation of results: people that carry out tests want to know the results as soon as possible. Communicating them via SMS is a great option because they are quick to deliver and open.

5Businesses with incentives: all of them can help in the fight against COVID, even those outside the vaccination campaign. For example, foodshops can offer promotions or discounts for vaccinated clients. Messages like “present your vaccination certificate and take advantage of a 50% discount in your first beer” can be a great incentive for a person to decide to have a vaccine.

LabsMobile, the best platform to send notices and notifications

To carry out these campaigns, you can use our LabsMobile platform. In addition to sending SMS massively,  you can monitor all the metrics of your campaign and adjust them to succeed.

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Our managers and technical team are always available to answer all your questions about our SMS solutions and to advise you on the implementation of any action or campaign.

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