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SMS Communications in times of Coronavirus: How can experts use these messages?

SMS communications for coronavirus have become the best alternative to stop the epidemic and to flatten the curve of the disease. Next, we will show you the main usage of this technology during the controlling process of this pandemic. 

6 minutes of reading
Publication: 04.06.2020
Última modificación: 06.20.2022
Categories: SMS services

SMS Usage for doctors

Continuous campaigns of health professionals do not leave room for doubt: the use of SMS in health has become the perfect resource to develop their work. Among other functions, mobile text messages can be used in the following cases: 

Communicating results of COVID-19 analysis to patients

After being in the hospital, it is most suitable to receive an SMS with the result of the analysis, avoiding this way the service saturation. If it’s positive, it will be easier to give instructions to get over the disease and the most suitable treatment.

Symptom control

You will also get an SMS from your doctor periodically to know what symptoms you are suffering from. These messages are always crucial to have real control of your disease and to know if you need to go to the hospital or not. 

Data Management 

It’s crucial for you to collaborate with your hospital to give them all the personal information they require. Remember that segmenting the population is one of the best weapons we have to defeat this virus. Equally, this personal data will be gathered in the way specified by the Law of Data Protection, which makes sure that their use will only be statistical. 

Need for Supplies

The great number of sick people that some hospitals get has produced issues with medical supplies. So, an SMS is still the quickest way to ask for more supplies to continue taking care of patients in the correct way. 

Writing Press Releases

We are sure you spend a good part of your day watching television or looking for information on the Internet about how the virus is advancing. Directors at each hospital can send an SMS to provide people with official data in just seconds, making it easier to communicate between journalists and people working at hospitals.

So, press releases by the president and the Health Ministery experts also finish, precisely, with the reading of some SMS sent by journalists in which they ask about the measures being taken to stop the pandemic. 

Improvement of your access to information

Now, more than ever, health experts need to have immediate access to information. that hospitals can send to their autonomous communities. Sending SMS, then, makes it a lot easier to know about the necessary data they require to keep on doing their activities with the professionalism this situation needs.

To all of this, we need to add the possibility of sending mass SMS. This is an advantage that makes the answering capacity and allows people to take care of any issue in a shorter period of time possible. Each message arrives in just seconds as you don’t have to depend on, as in other options, of the Internet connection or the number of messages that are being sent in a particular moment.

SMS Communications in times of Coronavirus: How can experts use these messages?

So, SMS communications about coronavirus are the perfect alternative to keep on fighting against a virus that has ended up progressively extending all over the planet. The crucial support of technology these days is ideal to keep on feeling united and to spread information among doctors and nurses that keep on fighting daily to stop this disease.  

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