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SMS archives. How to create an archive with your SMS stats that have worked best

Creating SMS archives is crucial to take advantage of every feature our platform offers. In this way, you will be able to use every stat you can access in the section “History” to boost your SMS marketing.

Every information you can find there you can export to Excel or a CVS file. In this way, you will have optimally organized info where you can check whether the mass messages you sent are effective.

5 minutes of reading
Publication: 07.10.2020
Última modificación: 10.11.2022
Categories: SMS how to

What are SMS stats?

This is detailed information on each one of the mass messages you sent via our platform. In this manner, you can take a look at the state and repercussions of each one of them. 

SMS mass messages in your account can have different states: processed, sent, delivered, expired, not delivered, duplicate, or test. 

Each message is processed by our software to give it a state so, in this way, you can control your activity in your account and your messages. In a similar way, the stats you have available are related to the impact your sent messages have by counting clicks and the receipt confirmation of your messages. You can also filter these elements by different categories, like by period or sent date, number, country, receiver, or even the text of the message, among others. 

SMS Archives. How to create a file with your SMS stats that worked best. 

The data that is recorded on the platform and that you can export to your SMS archive are:

  • IP address, browser, and device from which the person made the click (UserAgent). 
  • Time and day when they clicked and exact location (exact if the device has geolocation activated. If that’s not the case, then the location will be approximate via the IP). 

As you can see, stat messages can be very useful for the company. These can become an effective way of acquiring the necessary elements to generate better marketing strategies and brand awareness. With the correct info, you can even create more precise files where you keep elements with the best results generated in your audience.

LabsMobile’s platform stats

Your SMS campaign stats are really relevant when it comes to the current commercial activity. That is why generating strategies to organize this info and obtain better feedback is imperative. You will need to dedicate some time to a task that may seem exhausting, but with our platform and the way in which it is organized, you can do this in a fast and easy way!

A piece of valuable advice is to use these methods while keeping your SMS archives as optimized as possible and with immediate availability. These elements, then, can become key for growth and consolidation of your business. 

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