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What is the average open rate for SMS marketing?

Today, with the expansion of mobile phone communications and the increase in the mobile phone industry, SMS marketing has become the most widely used method by companies to advertise their products or services. SMS messaging is one of the most efficient ways of reaching customers and informing them about a company’s latest news, such as special offers or the launch of a new product.

 The average open rate for SMS marketing is higher than the rate for other advertising methods such as e-mail messages, or Facebook/Instagram ads. SMS texts are more efficient thanks to their instant delivery. Cellphone users can read them on the spot by just tapping on the screen.

5 minutes of reading
Publication: 11.04.2019
Última modificación: 10.11.2022
Categories: SMS services

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 It is also true that SMS messaging is not as heavily used as other methods and, as a result, customers won’t feel overwhelmed by the number of ads they receive, as it happens on social media such as Facebook or Instagram. In other words, advertising through SMS is less intrusive and more personal as well. 

In the following segment, we will tell you all about CTR in SMS marketing and we will explain how it works.

 What is CTR?

 The term CTR is an acronym that means “click-through rate”. This refers to the number of clicks made on the links sent with SMS texts. These links take users to a landing page created ad hoc by the advertising company.

 What is a good CTR for SMS?

The average CTR for SMS is close to 19%, which is 4% higher than for ads sent by email. These numbers show how effective and strategic SMS marketing is as an advertising method. If CTR for SMS is so high is because phone users are just more interested to open this kind of message.

 CTR numbers can be calculated in this way: you must divide the number of users who clicked on a link by the number of texts that were open. The resulting number is then multiplied by 100.  

What is the SMS marketing average open rate? 

Knowing the difference between open rate and CTR is very important since these are completely different terms. The first one refers to the number of messages that have been opened and read by potential customers. According to recent research, the open rate for SMS is close to 94%. This makes SMS marketing is the best advertising strategy in the market. In order to implement it in your company, you can use platforms such as LabsMobile.

It’s a fact that the vast majority of users who get SMS texts do open them instantly, even when they come from an unknown number. This is what makes SMS marketing open rates so high. 

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