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Mass communication using SMS in religious communities

Technology has opened new doors and ways to reach the public. More precisely, SMS has proven to be a very efficient tool in regard to marketing and communication. However, they are not only used in relation to selling products but there are also other potential uses. 

There are many groups of people who can take advantage of the benefits that communication via SMS offers. For example, one of these groups is religious communities. It is logical that achieving communication with each member of the group is challenging. For this reason, using mass communication but in a personalized way using SMS can be a very useful tool. 

6 minutes of reading
Publication: 01.21.2020
Última modificación: 06.08.2023

What are the objectives to fulfill when communicating using SMS?

A religious community that decides to use SMS to be more effectively communicated with its members can have very important advantages. Among the best ones are: 

  • Better assistance and involvement in the part of the participants: Communicating in person sometimes fails for a number of reasons. For example, a member might have been absent from a meeting for a number of reasons, or he might have forgotten, etc. Instead, with the massive reach that SMS has over its members, owners can make sure that everyone gets the information needed on time and that they have more involvement in the group.
  • Get more new members: Also, having access to a wider group of people makes it easier to attract new members to the community. 
  • More individual participation: Being in contact with the group and receiving notifications and information is great for members to be more active, involved and to participate in the different activities of the community, while giving their opinion about varied topics. 
  • Save time and money: from an economic point of view, this is also an advantage, since all the members are going to receive information with the details. This means you can save in phone calls between the members or community leaders. 

Potential uses of communication using SMS

We have spoken about objectives, but now it’s time to specify some of the uses that mass communication using SMS can have. First, they have an informative role. All kinds of news that are relevant to the community can be sent using this function. Some examples are future acts, schedule changes, information and details about religious courses, and more. SMS can also be used as reminders of these religious events to make sure most of the people attend.

Mass communication using SMS in religious communities.

Another key function is to use them to let people know about deadlines to pay for the groups’ installments. In this manner, members will know about deadlines approaching and when they have to pay.

It is also an effective and quick way to ask for prayers or to ask people to answer a poll, since SMS allow for mass distribution of messages and an easy way to answer the questions. 

Mass Communication in Religious Communities using LabsMobile

Try LabsMobile tool to send SMS in a massive way and, in this way, have more reach in relation to your group. You can register on the platform without having to pay a cent and you can obtain more ideas in our blog. At LabsMobile, we will help you in the whole process. 

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