LabsMobile has launched a new system of monitoring of the different services they have available
LabsMobile has launched a new system of monitoring of the different services they have available so that clients are always informed of the reliability of the LabsMobile platform.
This status tracking is available for: LabsMobile API, LabsMobile API Get, LabsMobile API JASON, LabsMobile API OPT, LabsMobile API SMTP, LabsMobile API WebService, LabsMobile API Docs, LabsMobile API Manager, LabsMobile Core, LabsMobile Web, LabsMobile Support and LabsMobile WebSMS.
Última modificación: 10.10.2022
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A transparent and reliable system in LabsMobile SMS Services
In the webpage https://status.labsmobile.com/ you’ll be able to see the availability of every LabsMobile service every 5 minutes, as the system checks its status within that period. If mistakes are made, the monitoring increases its checks every 1 minute. In this way, the client will be able to see if the system has re-started to send your SMS. You’ll also see the availability every moment and the reliability of the platform.
To us, the transparency and the safety of our SMS sending system are very important, so our clients can see when the system has failed in a general way.

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