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How and why advertising your brand through SMS service?

Currently, companies make use of all kinds of methods to show their clients the latest innovations in the next months like a current promotion, a gift voucher, etc. Thus, most of them have stopped using traditional advertisements and have bet strongly for the use of new -and more and more powerful- technologies. Social networking, search engines, webpages, and many other Internet sites are the brand’s main interests when it comes to advertising them. But, and the text message? Is it still used? Can it transmit the brand’s values? We will tell you in this section.

6 minutes of reading
Publication: 11.18.2019
Última modificación: 06.21.2022
Categories: SMS services

 The promotion of a brand via SMS service is still a very used method

It might surprise you, but – without realizing – you may have received more than one offer or promotion through your smartphone’s message box. In fact, on more than one occasion it is the most recommendable way of transmittinga brand’s values.

 What calls people’s attention in an SMS message?

In an SMS message, everything is really important. The company should know all the time who is its potential customer -you- to know how to communicate with you, through which means and what it should tell you so that you get interested in the product.

 Of course, the ad text should be relevant and efficient (the sending by SMS helps in that sense.) It should summarize in short what the brand is through SMS.  It is also very important to know where you should go; the link or landing that the company puts at your disposal should be short and attractive. The message, which has to be related to the profile and the company’s style, can be innovative, classic, fun, etc.

 But one of the most important things is the sender. The name of the brand should be in this part of the message which is very visible.

 Examples of companies which use SMS marketing

An attractive SMS in line with the brand’s values is more than enough to capture the target audience. Movistar, Orange, Vodafone… encourage us to finance any product with them with a price inferior to the one of the mobile in question in other places. In this way, they attract us and retain us during a period of permanence.



  • Maison dU Monde

This company communicates making use of SMS service to show us what are its new collections each season. They attach their online catalog. Or they send promotions, discounts, offers, etc. Start-up fees cover 100% and its positioning as a brand increases substantially. Besides, its style of communication is always linked to the brand too.


  • La Redoute

In La Redoute, they are interested in the way of advertising the latest updates to clients. But their main objective is to transmit them with the maximum immediacy. All that, of course, without neglecting their style.   


  • Hyundai

The famous Korean car brand takes advantage of the sales promotion vis SMS to try to retain potential clients through invitations to events or gift vouchers


How and why advertising your brand through SMS service?

In conclusion, marketing through SMS messages can transmit the brand’s values and all the information about the product and it is not that difficult like other ways of advertising.

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