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Going back to school: SMS as communication after quarantine

Going back to school is just around the corner. This is one of the busiest periods of the year for teachers, parents and students. However, in these COVID-19 times this is a bit challenging for the school community. That is why we believe it is vital to improve communication between schools and families. This will make it easier to coordinate and comply with new safety measures established by each center. 

8 minutes of reading
Publication: 08.31.2020
Última modificación: 09.30.2022

Contingency plans in the classroom

In many European countries classes have already started following a safety protocol for students and teachers. In Germany, for example, now there are alternative accesses and time for centers to prevent big groups of people and too much physical contact between students of different courses. Plus, using a mask is now mandatory in corridors and parks. In some regions, students also have to use them inside the classroom. 

In Italy, for example, there are certain protocols for going back to school. Entering and leaving school will be different and visitors will be restricted. Each center will have to make sure there is daily cleaning and disinfection. Inside, they will have to respect social distancing and use a mask. 

In Spain, it has been decided that each community establishes their own protocols and safety measures. In Valencia, for example, groups that go from kindergarten to fourth in primary will attend 20-people groups. From 5th onwards, the school will use classrooms or big spaces to place children to adjust the maximum number of students that fits each one. 

At Galicia, schools have the liberty of using big spaces, like libraries or labs, to host students. In case a classroom doesn’t have spacing marked for social distancing, they will have to use a mask during class time. 

But how will communication between schools and families be managed to keep all the actors informed about rules, alerts, emergencies or news? Until now, no plan has been devised in this sense, but we are sure that one of the most effective mechanisms for this are SMS messages.

Advantages of communication in schools via SMS

Even though this method might seem a bit old, cornered by apps like WhatsApp or Telegram, the truth is that SMS are very used today, especially in marketing campaigns. This is a very direct and economic tool. Unlike WhatsApp, you don’t need to have an Internet connection in your mobile phone to receive an SMS. This type of message, however, admits only up to 160 characters. On the good side, you can attach links to give your clients more information. 

For all these reasons, using SMS at schools can be of great help when starting the course and throughout the year, as it provides efficient and direct communication. 

WebSMS app, get to know why this is of interest to you

Thanks to our WebSMS app, SMS communication is easier and more efficient, as you have access to a wide array of tools to manage your messages and the way you send them. From this platform, you can send from  a few messages to hundreds of thousands in seconds and with just a simple click. This is a very positive feature for both small and big schools. 

Messages can be personalized and contain different information regardless of who the receiver is. Another interesting advantage to send messages about courses with different information in each case. Certain measures and protocols will vary between primary and secondary school courses. 

Likewise, you can schedule your SMS to be sent at a set time and day. The system sends the message in itself at once without you having to worry about it. Without a doubt, this is an effective way to establish daily or weekly communication between the establishment and families so they can always be updated about everything.

Going back to school: SMS as a means for communication after quarantine.

SMS messages allow you to attach multimedia content. Our WebSMS app lets you attach links to different types of content like PDF files, audio recordings, images, or videos. Another very practical characteristic that allows centers to give more information, news and alerts from, for example, the Education Ministry.

This app also lets you create databases with users’ information to manage your sendings in a quick and organized way.

All in all, communicating information between schools and families is a fundamental pillar for going back to school in a safe and organized way in the COVID-19 times we are living in. Sending messages through LabsMobile’s WebSMS is an efficient resource in the field of communication that can help you preserve your health and your loved ones’.

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