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Download your template for sending SMS for marketing purposes

Effective planning for an SMS campaign is important to have clear actions and objectives. Even if you need to modify certain elements in the future because of external situations like the pandemic. Good planning is useful to organize tasks and plan messages for the segment you’ll address.

To help you in your planning, here we leave you an Excel sheet to send SMS directly to your receivers as soon as you upload them to the WebSMS in the Labsmobile platform.                                

10 minutes of reading
Publication: 04.30.2021
Última modificación: 10.11.2022

Download the Excel sheet.

Plan your SMS marketing campaign

A good way to start planning your SMS campaigns is to revise the ones you did during the past months or even the past year. Use them to start filling the template and you’ll start getting used to it. We have prepared 4 columns to be able to send the messages. Take a look at the information you need: 

  • Telephone number: This is a mandatory field for this type of SMS in the same Excel. The phone number must include the country code.
  • The message: This field is also mandatory and consists in the text message you want to send. The following characters are allowed:  ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 @£¥èéùìòÇØøÅåΔΦΓΛΩΠΨΣΘΞÄÖÑܧäöñüà_^|{}[~]€ÆæßÉ!¡/\"#¤%&'()*+,-.|:;<=>?¿. Also remember that each message has 160 characters.
  • The sender: This is optional. The sender of the message can have up to 11 characters. It’s only available in a few countries. 
  • Time and date: These are also optional. This refers to time and date for scheduled sendings. If this is not informed, the sending will be made at the time of importing this file.

Sending via Files in LabsMobile

With this information, you’ll be able to adapt different Excel files to your audience and the messages you want to send. In addition, you can diversify the schedule according to your public. 

As you can see, there are 2 mandatory columns to send SMS but the ones for Sender and time/date are optional.

As regards the message, the template can be useful to store ideas until they become a reality. In this case, you should not upload it to the platform until it’s ready. 

Remember that the information should always be updated, especially in your phone. So, the manager should always be checking to make sure the database is updated.

Download your template for sending SMS for marketing purposes

Steps to send SMS using an already created file:

1Enter your WebSMS account

After signing up for a new account, you surely receive a welcome email that contains an initial password. access your account with your user (email) and password at

2Access the form to send SMS

Access the option Sending SMS - send via file from you account’s menu. Here you’ll be able to download a file template and carry out mass sendings. 

3Download and fill in the template

In the lowest part of the page you can download a template (in Excel format) you should complete with your data for sending SMS (receivers, texts for the message, sender, time and place of the sending).

4Select a file 

Once you have completed the file (Excel or CSV) with the data for the sending you need to add the file by dragging it to the corresponding area or by clicking on it and selecting the file.

5Confirm and send

Finally, you should push the button “send”. Next, you’ll be able to confirm the data (numbers, destination country, and necessary credits).

6Take a look at scheduled sendings 

The messages that have been scheduled for a particular day/time can be seen (and cancelled) in the section SCHEDULED-pending.

7Results and state of the process

You can take a look and export data of your sent messages and their state (sent, processed, delivered, or erro) in the section Monitoring and Statistics

Measure the results of your SMS marketing campaigns

It’s very simple to obtain the results of your campaigns using the WebSMS of LabsMobile. Once your campaign is sent using a file, you can access your account again and see the results of your sendings to analyze and monitor them. 

You’ll be able to check the state of your messages by clicking on Send and you’ll see the list of SMS with all the related data (sender, mobile number, message, credits, date, update) and the state of the message:

  • Processed: The LabsMobile platform has received and processed the message.
  • Sending: The message has been sent to hte GSM network.
  • Test: a test message.
  • Duplicate: duplicate message blocked by anti-duplicate filter.
  • Delivered: confirmed message as delivered by phone operators.
  • Expired: message that was not delivered in the established period (normally 72 hours).
  • Rejected: message rejected by the operator.
  • Non-delivered: non-delivered message because it’s incorrect, there’s an issue, etc.

You’ll also be able to visualize the number of clicks and export data so you can work on them.

Download your sending template for SMS marketing

Depending on the results of the campaign from a file we recommend using new groups (AGENDA- importing files) and increase the efficiency of future sendings. Also, it’s advisable to Clean your contact groups from the section AGENDA- Groups because errors are considered and good aspects of sent campaigns, too. 

For more information, contact

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