Sector commerce

Presentation of a new catalog

Sending a catalog of products or services. The purpose of the message is to publicize the new offer of a company to its customer database.

🌟 The new collection of outdoor furniture IS ALREADY HERE! All in 🌸 GARDEN in our online catalog: htps: //

The content of the message is the presentation of a new catalog. It is important to include the reason for the new catalog or what type of product it includes. In addition to highlighting some offers or outstanding products. This encourages interest and increases clicks on the link.

It is essential to include a link with the contents of the catalog. The reason is that a catalog can be very extensive and a link to an online PDF document (with a platform like can be a very good way to send this type of information.

In the case that the catalog is very extensive, a web landing can be created as an index by categories. In this way the client can easily find the products that may be interesting.

If the company has an online store you can even link the catalog products with the purchase page and place an order directly from the mobile device.

This type of catalog presentation message can be applied to any retail or consumer company that wants to present a seasonal or new distribution catalog.

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