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What is the best communication channel for an ecommerce?

Today's business is characterized by being omnichannel, so companies need to be present in different channels: emails, chat, by phone, by WhatsApp, etc. 

Marketplaces, small businesses, different products, it doesn't matter. What the user and the client wants is a service that is equal or better than in a physical store, as selling and buying is quicker and, in a certain way, impersonal. 

7 minutes of reading
Publication: 08.01.2022
Última modificación: 10.21.2022

Ecommerces are facing the challenge of managing hundreds, thousands, or millions of users in an agile and efficient way. Any negative comment in social media or even in comments can cause a baff reputation and cost the business clients and status. 

Let's see how to face this challenge. 

Tyes of ecommerce

Today, and with a rapid growth of 18% in 2021, there are 3 types of  e-commerce businesses online:

Ecommerce of analogical products → these are online businesses that sell physical, tangible products like clothes, appliances, decorations, food, etc. 

Many of them are very famous, like Fnac, Zalando, El Corte Inglés, Carrefour… 

Ecommerce of digital products → plataformas that sell digital products like videos, podcasts, hostings. 

Some of the most well-known examples are Spotify, Netflix, etc.

Ecommerce of service → where you can buy different services through the internet. These include plane tickets, entertainment, insurance policies, hotel bookings, as in the case of Ticketea.

Additionally, in this category we can find mixed models like Amazon, Ebay or Alibaba where people can buy analogical products as well as services. 

Types of communications in an ecommerce


Email: this is the main communication channel. You can send commercial or transactional emails for users to be informed about promotions, the state of their account and/or their purchases. 


Chat: this is a more direct and personalized communication channel. The client can feel free to explain their issue and, normally, they have an immediate resolution or answer. 


SMS: in the case of an e-commerce, SMS are used as a transactional or promotional communication channel, such as email, but with a higher open rate. 


WhatsApp: this is one of the most-used communication software. The client feels they have 24-hour service, even though it may have an established schedule. 


Phone call: it's recommended for the most difficult cases to solve. 


Social media: Instagram, Facebook, etc.

communication channel for an ecommerce

Communication as a base

For LabsMobile, good communication with the client in an e-commerce is essential to create a bond with the consumer, enhance the brand and generate loyalty in clients. 

To make this relationship closer, you need to have online and offline communication channels available. 

What we will summarize below is the best optimization possible according to the experience of digital communication experts to diversify your communication in favor of your most optimal channel. 

Our proposal, in a relevant order, is the following:

  • 2FA/OTP, validation of mobile numbers, safety:  SMS, app GAuth, automatic calls.
  • Cambios de estado de un producto: email, SMS, WhatsApp.
  • Shipment tracking: SMS, email.
  • Issues: SMS, WhatsApp, conversational apps, ticketing.
  • Online support: online chat, WhatsApp, phone.
  • BBDD campaigns: email, SMS.
  • SEM: Adwords, Google Shopping, Instagram Ads, etc.
  • Loyalty (points program, asking for reviews/comments, birthday greetings): SMS, email.
  • Rescuing abandoned carts: SMS, email.
  • Notification of help request: SMS.

What is the best communication channel for an e-commerce?

With all the competition out there and the amount of online businesses that flood the market, it's basic and essential to establish a plan for action regarding communication with our clients. 

This task consists in knowing our reach and the tools with which we can count. 

Today, one of the main objectives of businesses is to generate loyalty in clients. There are so many options out there that quality needs to set you apart. 

For this, LabsMobile provides you with a platform for managing massive SMS campaigns. With this communication channel, you'll be able to contact your users directly and personalize your campaigns based on your databases. 

Our team advises you

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Our managers and technical team are always available to answer all your questions about our SMS solutions and to advise you on the implementation of any action or campaign.

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