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Tell your clients about the reopening of your business with SMS messages

The reopening of businesses is helping us go back to normal after the confinement we lived due to coronavirus. If this is your case and you are back to normal or planning to be in the next few days, this is the time to be proactive. We suggest that you contact your old and potential clients through a direct communication strategy.

Clarity and transparency are going to be more important than ever, as consumers want to feel safe when they come to your shop. That is why an SMS marketing campaign will help you take the lead when it comes to communication. You can tell them in first person that you’re back and what safety measures you’re taking so they can enjoy your products and services in a comfortable, safe way. 

5 minutes of reading
Publication: 06.23.2020
Última modificación: 06.16.2022
Categories: SMS servicesSupport

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Communicate new safety measures to your gym clients

Gyms are one of the businesses that, because of the activity type, will have to work more to earn the trust of their users. Communicating restrictions and safety measures will help your clients feel safe and protected to go back. 

Send them a message and tell them about your next reopening while taking advantage of the situation to tell them about the new things they are going to encounter: minimum distance of 2 meters, new safety and health measures, closed changing rooms and limited common spaces. To avoid sending too much text, we propose that you create a landing page where you explain this point by point. 

Bring your clients back to your restaurant with SMS messages

Restaurants and bars have a very strong relationship with leisure, so you need to create an effective communication strategy to be able to build up trust and users want to come back. 

If this is your case, take advantage of SMS to confirm your come-back and inform about new measures, the booking protocol and how you clean up the whole restaurant. You can also take advantage of the situation to remind them that, if they don’t feel ready to go back to your shop, they can always ask for food to take away and enjoy it in the comfort of their homes. 

Get your clients to come back to your store

As the owner of a shop, we believe your message needs to revolve around the health and safety measures you will take to prevent your clients from getting sick. So, write to them, telling them how you missed them and that your shop is ready for their comeback, with changes to ensure their safety.

So, we have given you reasons why the reopening of businesses should be communicated via SMS so your clients feel compelled to come back feeling safe because of the protocols you implemented. 

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