SMS module for Magento
Available now! The SMS module for sending SMS messages, straight from your Magento software.
Magento is an open-source eCommerce platform and leading software in the electronic commerce sector. From the first version in 2007, Magento has been adopted by thousands of online stores, reaching a market share of 30%.
Última modificación: 06.28.2022
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SMS module for Magento
At LabsMobile we believe the eCommerce sector to be one of the most important sectors in SMS communication. Its possible uses include:
- Information on new orders for site administrators.
- Notification of client orders' changes of status.
- Tracking of goods.
- Mobile marketing campaigns: discounts, promotions, product launches etc.
- User authentication, telephone validation, client telephone validation.
- Sending codes and passwords to administrate websites.
Being aware of these requirements, we've adapted one of the best existing API modules at LabsMobile to send SMS messages from any Magneto installation from the v1.5 and v1.9 versions.
The module Carotechs SMS Notifications allows you to configure the SMS gateway or provider. In module preferences, enter the username and password of your LabsMobile account. Once it's configured, you'll be able to use all of the module's functions, for example SMS notifications when an order changes in status. The OnShipment event is particularly important for notifying the client when their package will be delivered.
You can take a look at all the information and instructions on the module in the API&Docs page of our website and the module page Carotechs SMS Notifications.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts or questions.

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Our managers and technical team are always available to answer all your questions about our SMS solutions and to advise you on the implementation of any action or campaign.
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