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SMS Messaging. The best way to communicate with your clients

Communication with clients is something we have to constantly work on. Their satisfaction and loyalty rely upon establishing a good relationship with them. Consequently, investing in it never hurts. And SMS messaging can be particularly useful to fulfill this function. Do you want to know why? Here’s how it works:

6 minutes of reading
Publication: 10.21.2019
Última modificación: 06.21.2022

What SMS messaging does to allow efficient communication

At the business level, client retention is the most interesting thing you have to aim for. And it depends directly on trust. On one hand, your clients have to trust in your products and services and their suitability. And, on the other hand, they have to trust you and your values. You can achieve the latter through good communication with them.

Communication has to be straightforward and natural, in a suitable tone, but also punctual. That demands you to develop a precise and determinate strategy so you know what to tell your clients. And most importantly when to do it.

And another fundamental element when defining business communication lines is specifying which channels you will be able to use for that purpose. Among them, we advise the use of SMS messaging.

Communicate with your clients via SMS

You should communicate with your clients via SMS because nowadays everyone carries their phone with them. Many brands have gotten used to online communication, particularly through email marketing. The problem is that this has created a saturation effect. Many people stopped paying attention to newsletters, which results in, ultimately, information getting lost.

On the contrary, SMS is still today, something everyone pays attention to. And yet not many brands use it as an effective means of communication.

What is the key to employing this SMS communication system in an appropriate and smart way?

Well, the key is, in this case, in moderation, let us explain:

  • Choose the time to send messages via SMS. The fact that you integrate this system into your communication plan does not mean that it is going to be the only one you are going to employ. Leave it for those messages which are more important, but do not disregard other means of communication, from social networks to e-mails.
  • Choose what you are going to say wisely. The means are defining, but not the only thing you have to focus on. You have to integrate the message swiftly into the options that you have in order to make it coincide exactly with your possibilities and what the reader expects.
  • Choose when to say it. Consider the fact that it should not disturb nor inconvenience those clients who have already voluntarily granted their data. Therefore, you should look for a reasonable time of day, and, if possible, make it a time where they are free or taking a break from work so they can slow down and read it and, if you ask them to, take action.

SMS Messaging.

To conclude, SMS Messaging is a direct line of communication between you and your clients which can help you retain them. All in all, it is vital that you use them appropriately. For that reason, we explain to you which are the crucial points to consider when integrating them into your plan.

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