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Security systems using SMS: discover the possibilities!

SMS messaging for businesses is quickly emerging as a favorite for setting up security systems for websites and online stores.

Companies at every level have chosen the LabsMobile WebSMS service thanks to its immediacy and security. With an increasingly widespread need to establish security systems that can guarantee the functioning of web pages, the WebSMS helps to detect errors and problems, and manage user registration.

11 minutes of reading
Publication: 05.03.2016
Última modificación: 06.28.2022

The trend towards mobile phones 

SMS security systems are evolving in terms of technological innovation, and one niche has a lot of potential: the world of mobile phones.

SMS messaging has gone from being a bulk, automatic tool to be a real-time channel of communication for sending notifications and alerts, allowing us to instantly solve problems. It's a tool that's becoming more and more vital. For this reason, it is so important to install a WebSMS service which allows you to manage all the needs of an online store or web page.

Bulk SMS are the perfect tool for notifications and guiding developers or managers to a web service.

Security functions for businesses using SMS messaging 

  1. Problem:

    Apps are constantly hacked. It's also common that something goes wrong or unexpected errors appear due to technical problems. The consequences can be serious - user information can be exposed to potential hackers.

    Solution: Create a wall which helps us to resist the attacks by programming SMS alerts so that the team can have total control over the threats and resolve problems as quickly as possible.

  1. Problem: 

    Attacks on payment systems and records. It's very dangerous to expose information on bank accounts and personal information, particularly now that hacking is so much easier if there is no security system.

    Solution: OTP or 'one time password'. Use one time use passwords, a PIN code sent by SMS to be entered into the website. This system is highly recommended for online stores at the payment confirmation point. We send a PIN to the user, for one time use - it will expire once it's been used.

  1. Problem:

    Fake users. There is a possibility of false registrations in your website. Building a clean database made up of valuable users or potential clients is difficult, and even more so if you consider the possibility of these robots.

    Solution: 2-step verification. 2-step verification is the definitive solution to making sure that all registrations are real. It's also good for the user, as it ensures that no one will enter your personal account unauthorized.

    The user creates a password for their account, after which we send an SMS containing a security code which needs to be entered to formalize the process. If you've forgotten your password, you can ask to be sent a new one in order to be able account once again.

Advantages of the SMS system with 2-step verification:

  • Passwords are constantly changing, and dynamically generated which makes the whole process safer.
  • The codes self-destruct, they are only for single use only. 
  • We can set a limit on the number of attempts, after which we believe it is likely to be an attack on the account.  
  • It's as easy to program as it is to use. 

Security system applications by SMS 

  • Verification of the client/user. As stated above, the ideal is to create a clean, up-to-date database which you know 100% is made up of physical, real people.
  • Authentication for important operations. Maintain secure control and block attacks using codes sent via SMS to validate operations such as bank transfers and logins. There are applications such as Dropbox which allow you to secure all folders, not just with a login. This makes the user feel a lot more secure, and we can be certain that nobody will be able to steal information.  
  • User registration. We can ensure that the user registered is legitimate and their information is correct.

Where can I implement these SMS security services? 

    1. Mobile applications: When you use it for the first time, or when you download it. We can also integrate the SMS service with 2-step verification. When the user registers we send them a code via SMS to confirm. You can also create an SMS monitoring service for the app so that developers are notified instantly via SMS when a problem or error occurs.
    2. News sites: Both in registrations and subscriptions we can include an SMS service to verify accounts. 

  • Online stores (eCommerce) Above all, we are interested in security services using SMS at the confirmation of purchases. We can take it even further and send SMS containing promotions and discounts. Find out more by taking a look at this article: Essential guide to SMS marketing.

  • Access logs: For restricted environments or sites, forums which only members can enter, or private areas inside a website or service. Sending a single use password by SMS ensures that nobody can copy or hack the password.
  • Access to devices or servers: This works like the actions above. To access devices or servers as the administrator or to undergo special operations, we send a unique key by SMS.

Security systems using SMS

Companies such as Google or in banking have developed a service which notifies customers by SMS if anyone has accessed their bank account from another computer, or, in the case of banks, notifies them if anyone uses their card to purchase something in a different country. These services don't only give the user a lot of confidence but also allow them to prevent potentially serious problems.

At LabsMobile we've seen the necessity for security systems that use SMS and we are developing definitive services for your website. We also provide an API specifically for generating and sending OTP codes, or One Time Passwords.

With the API, this whole process is very easy to manage. When we create a website, an app, an eCommerce store or any service on the internet we often think about the development, the design, the marketing, but forget about security. However, setting up a security system which is efficient, easy to manage and is trustworthy will win you a lot of points with your users and will help you to avoid serious problems. If you have any questions, LabsMobile is always ready to help.

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