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Features of the LabsMobile WebSMS application

The Labsmobile WebSMS is an online web application that allows companies to send SMS messages and manage all related services. You don’t need to install any software in advance and it works from any device connected to the internet, and on any browser or operating system.

After registering, users will have access to the Application’s Management Panel.

11 minutes of reading
Publication: 12.07.2017
Última modificación: 09.30.2022


At the top half of the page you can see configuration, support and administration tabs.

  1. TOP-UP: Top up by choosing your chosen pack according to the number of SMS you want. Any top-up can be completed with credit card or by bank transfer. You can also set up automatic top-ups for when your account drops to a certain number of credits, to make sure your account will never run out of credit.


  1. SUPPORT: In the support tab you can find manuals, tutorials and contact methods to find the help and support you need.
  2. MY ACCOUNT: Here you will find the administrative section of the account, access your invoice details, password management, view country limitations or configure notifications.  

In the menu on the left-hand side, you can find all the sections to create, send and track bulk messages or SMS campaigns.

  • ADDRESS BOOK: Manage your address book, import contacts into your database, view and create contact groups from your list of telephone numbers. Every contact includes fields such as name, numbers, groups and other fields that allow you to personalize the SMS.


  • LINKS AND FILES: This section allows you to add new links, archive them and create your own LabsMobile links that are maximum 14 characters in length. Every click on these links are tracked and saved along with all the associated information.
  • LANDING PAGES: WebSMS users can create landing pages to include links in bulk messages or SMS campaigns. These landing pages can be created based on customizable templates and track each click and visit.

Clients have access to an extensive catalogue of landing pages customizable in content and design for any campaign. All templates have been created by professionals in design, usability and marketing to obtain the best results and ensure optimization for mobile devices.


The landing pages have been created based on small modules or elements. These modules that make up a landing page can be added, modified, personalized, ordered or deleted. Landing pages can therefore be adapted to any function or design.

All actions and links present on landing pages can be modified and personalized. Links can load internal or external links, prompt a phone call, download files, send a message or notification, share content on social media, or open a map indicating a specific address for example.

To track the behavior of users on a landing page, you can also incorporate Google analytics code. You can therefore see all the information and browsing statistics of the landing page.

  • SEND SMS: Sending basic or manual messages consists of entering numbers individually or copying them from an application or file. The messaging form then helps to select other fields like the sender, text, time and day etc.

Bulk messages and campaigns can be sent from databases or lists previously uploaded into the application. Select one or several databases, lists or groups to carry out a bulk messaging operation. It is also possible to select or deselect numbers from the list one by one.


Features of the LabsMobile WebSMS application.

To complete a bulk messaging operation directly from a file, import a CSV file or Excel with a set of messages, one per line. Every line should contain all the data required to complete the messaging operation: the telephone number, text, recipient and date/time of sending.

The sender name of an SMS message can be personalized. You can enter a new sender name through any of the messaging forms. You can also set up default sender name, and the application will save past sender names and suggest them for future bulk messaging operations. This feature is not permitted on some networks or in some countries.

This tab is where you can also find Certified SMS, which are communications which send a PDF document detailing the content of an SMS and certifies that it has been sent. This document has legal admissibility for any official administrative process or in front of a court of law.

CAMPAIGNS, TRACKING AND STATISTICS: In Campaigns sent you can see all the SMS you have ever created. All bulk messaging which makes up a campaign is grouped automatically in the WebSMS application. There you can instantly access lists, errors, results and statistics of every campaign, and can repeat any campaign with modifications to any field.


Once a message or a campaign has been sent, it is possible to look at the status of these messages in Monitoring. You can filter messages by multiple fields (date/time of sending, recipient, telephone number, text etc.).

One key feature of SMS is delivery confirmation. This confirmation (including date/time) is generated by operators when the message has been sent correctly to the recipient's device.

SMS that have not been sent correctly generate an error message. Errors can be due to incorrect input information or telephone number, or due to an issue with the GSM network. The corresponding error is shown in the application alongside a detailed description of what happened, and the moment in which the error was generated.


Statistics include reports, graphics and data analysis on a set of messages. These statistics allow you to know if a bulk messaging operation or campaign has been successfully completed and if it has achieved its objectives.


In any messaging form you can select the day and time of sending, and program any individual messages sent and bulk messaging campaigns. In the Programmed tab you can see information on all pending bulk messaging operations and those that have already been completed.

SMSPing is a service that checks that a web or URL is working correctly. This service detects crashes or unauthorized uses of a website by sending an SMS message directly to the website manager. As soon as the website is working again correctly, another message will be sent containing the updated information.

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