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The importance of your database when sending SMS campaigns

SMS is an exceptional tool for offering promotions, or sending out information on product news or updates to a wide variety of consumers. With the content ready, all you need now are a number of carefully-chosen recipients to read your message. For this reason, your database is crucial when setting up an SMS campaign.

SMS campaigns are their most effective when when they are targeted to a specific audience that has already been segmented. You need to make sure, therefore, that your database complies with the three features below:

5 minutes of reading
Publication: 05.30.2018
Última modificación: 06.23.2022

  • Personalization. You need additional personal information. It is not enough, in this case, to just have the recipient’s phone number. Their name, place of work or another piece of information will help to to segment your campaign more effectively.
  • Up-to-date. You should know which numbers are still active, and which have been disactivated. This will help you to save money on SMS campaigns, and make sure that the campaign is managed more efficiently.
  • Legality. When it comes to phone numbers, it is very important to collect and store them legally, that is, with consent from the owner of the very same phone number that will receive the messages.

Of course, meeting the features above requires a specialized service - and companies like LabsMobile that can provide it.

How to create your database

Another fundamentally important point is to understand how to start building a database. Generally, a lead capture system is set up whereby an individual provides their telephone number for something in return.

Below are some effective ideas:

  • Provide valuable content. Information, particularly online, is a very valuable asset, often serving to attract more people that are interested in a particular topic. In exchange for receiving certain pieces of content, individuals are asked to provide you with some of their personal information. These would become your subscribers.
  • Raffles and draws. Being offered a gift is also received well by users when they are asked to provide personal information. This would also be a fair exchange that is not likely to cause any future problems.
  • Just ask. Another option is to notify users. You can simply ask them for their number, informing them that in return, they will receive offers, discounts, and information of interest. You need to have their consent.
  • Impress with additional services. Creating the possibility of becoming a premier client always gets great results. This consists of simply providing more services to those users that willingly offer their phone number in a more natural way.

In conclusion, a good database is essential for an SMS messaging campaign.

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