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Advertising through SMS, rent your database

Advertising through SMS is a marketing strategy that's widely used by many companies. You can inform your target audience of discounts, offers and any other matter you think is important via SMS.

However, there are many people who commit a crime in doing so. And it can be harshly punished by law. So in this article, we'll explain how to do this kind of advertising without risking fines or complaints.

3 minutes of reading
Publication: 05.30.2019
Última modificación: 06.22.2022

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Rent your database and forget about having problems

There have been companies that have bought personal data to take shortcuts. In fact, they have acquired complete databases and that's completely illegal.

The General Data Protection Regulation fines these actions but allows databases to be rented. In order not to break the law, the database must be encrypted and only offer access to the people who rent it.

So if you rent a database, you can use the information to send SMS but you can't do anything else with that information. This makes protecting the privacy of consumers possible.

Advertising through SMS, rent your database

At LabsMobile, we have segmented databases. That means that you can use them to only send SMS to the profiles that fit your criteria.

The first step will be to pay the rental fee. At LabsMobile, we'll segment the audience you're interested in and we'll only give you access to the data of these consumers. Data that, as we already said, is encrypted.

After that, you'll only have to create the campaign within the LabsMobile platform, buying the credit packages you need. Then, attach your list of subscribers who'll receive the text messages and send them.

After this, the SMS will reach consumers and you'll only have to wait for the increase in your sales.

So, if you want to advertise through SMS, trust us. At LabsMobile, we make it easy for you.

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