Click statistics

Specific statistics on the clicks on links show the results of a bulk messaging operation or campaign in more detail. These statistics analyze all the information obtained from the click and also show which recipients have clicked and how many times. This last piece of information is very useful for segmenting recipients by customer loyalty or interest in the product or service.

results Click statistics

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    Send from API and manage your account with our online application WebSMS.

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    Communication with eCommerce clients: change in status and delivery of orders with parcel tracking.

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    Maximum reliability at the best price

    At LabsMobile we only offer direct routes of maximum reliability and quality. Enjoy our platform and all our services for the price of an SMS.

    Pay ONLY for sent messages.

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    Our technical department has professionals with years of experience and we have made multiple integrations.

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  • Integrate your application with our API

    This tutorial will explain how to initiate the integration of any application or software with the LabsMobile platform for SMS communication.

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