Edit number
+1 917 527 8712
We've sent you an SMS code.
To complete the verification process please enter the 4 digit code below.
sms code otp 2fa

Identify your users

Send a code via SMS when a user installs your app or registers with your system. Then you'll have a mobile phone number linked to a user. What for?

  • Keep track of and validate individual users.
  • Send notifications and campaigns via SMS or phone.
  • Identify users in the face of misuse.
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Text Message
SMS code
Your new code is 62522.

Protect your apps with SMS messages

Send one-time passwords in an SMS message to increase the security of your apps or website using the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) method.

Avoid unauthorized access due to simple or predictable passwords. Protect your users against phishing or brute force attacks.


key processes

Increase the security of the most important actions of your applications with OTP passwords sent by SMS.

  • Access to the administration panel .
  • Confirmation of transfer of money.
  • Signing of documents or contracts.
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SMS app
Your friend Frank is using our app. Download it at http://labsmo.bi/d1 and share your achievements!
Hi Susie!
Our app is now available with discounts and last minute offers. Download it now at http://labsmo.bi/dhue5

Boost app downloads

Ads. Advertise to existing users or the users of similar apps.

Recommendations. Make your app go viral by sending an SMS straight to your users' contacts.

Direct access. Increase downloads and installations by integrating a hyperlink to directly download the app.


Using the LabsMobile API you can start sending SMS text messages straight from your application in just a few minutes. It's easy, 100% compatible and comes with technical support. +info

Utilize any of our connections: GET, POST, WebService, Mail and SMPP. Access all functions including OTP, 2FA, HLR, sub-accounts, native libraries etc.

api logo images

Fair price

Pay only for the SMS messages you sent.

Select the pack of messages that fits your needs and pay only for the SMS messages you sent. You will not have to pay anything more. In LabsMobile we do not have high fees, maintenance, nor minimum volume.

Hi! With LabsMobile you only pay the SMS you sent. Fair and transparent tariffs. High reliability and performance at the best price!

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Discover how we can help your business

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