Published: Jan 11, 2016
Last update: Jan 28, 2019
API SMS LabsMobile news SMS API

SMS with the MailSMS API from LabsMobile

Article API SMS Mail2SMS
SMS with the MailSMS API from LabsMobile
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Sending bulk SMS is now easier and faster than ever with the SMS API from LabsMobile. Register for free and send up to 50,000 SMS per day.

 What is the MailSMS API? 

It is the easiest and fastest method of sending SMS messages on the market. All you have to do is send an email, and it will transform instantaneously into an SMS.

It is especially suitable for people who have no knowledge of programming, or for bulk SMS from a proprietary application (without an access code).

 How do I get started with the MailSMS API? 

To start with bulk SMS, you just need to take one step: 


In addition, you can add additional features such as the IP address from which the messages will be sent and a default sender name (which will be LabsMobile if not otherwise indicated). 

 What are the restrictions of the MailSMS API? 

You’ll be able to send text messages through email, with a daily limit of 50,000 SMS/day. In addition, you’ll be able to send messages in batches, for which the default limit is 10,000 SMS/batch. All of these limitations can be changed on request. Just contact us at LabsMobile.

Choose your plan

Sending bulk SMS messages through the MailSMS SMS-API Interface can be completed with two methods: 

  • Simple method: Send an email to an address instead of a destination number. This method allows you to send an SMS easily with the text as the body of the email and the destination number as the email address of the recipient.
  • XML method: Send emails to an account provided by LabsMobile. The data of the message and the recipients are sent in the body of the email in XML format, and the LabsMobile platform will transform and send the content as SMS.


If you need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us or read this guide with all the information which you’ll need in just one document: LabsMobile MailSMS API Interface.